You've missed Saturday 23rd July 2.15 – 3.15pm Organ Recital by Mike Stubbs
Still to come Saturday 13 August 14.15 RACHEL HOWARTH Newchurch & MICHAEL GRAHAM Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Toccata Gigout . Hymne d’action de grâce (Te Deum) Langlais . Nun danket alle Gott Karg Elert Praeludium, Fugue & Ciacona in C Buxtehude . Toccata Boëllmann . Fanfare Lemmens Prescot Festival
You've missed 18 June Come and sing Haydn Creation Make a note in your diaries for next time : June 16th or 23rd 2012 Come and Sing Rutter Anthems MUSIC FROM CONCERTS