We give about 6 concerts a year, both orchestral and choral (with our Cantata Choir).
The Cathedral Orchestra rehearses on Tuesday during term-time, 7.30 - 10.00 at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
String players (Grade 8 and above) are always welcome, especially violins. We also have vacancies for brass and percussion.
The Society aims to put on programmes of challenging music that is rarely heard.
Players may park in the underground car park under the Cathedral for practices and performances. Annual Membership of the orchestra is £25 (£15 for students/unwaged) If you - or someone you know - have the talent, commitment and enthusiasm to join, please contact the Orchestra representative email [email protected]
Members of the Orchestra and Choir must be 18 or over
The Cathedral Orchestra rehearses on Tuesday during term-time, 7.30 - 10.00 at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
String players (Grade 8 and above) are always welcome, especially violins. We also have vacancies for brass and percussion.
The Society aims to put on programmes of challenging music that is rarely heard.
Players may park in the underground car park under the Cathedral for practices and performances. Annual Membership of the orchestra is £25 (£15 for students/unwaged) If you - or someone you know - have the talent, commitment and enthusiasm to join, please contact the Orchestra representative email [email protected]
Members of the Orchestra and Choir must be 18 or over
The Cantata Choir is currently at capacity.
If you would like to apply for a future vacancy please email [email protected] with some details about your choral background and the choir manager will get back to you.
If you would like to apply for a future vacancy please email [email protected] with some details about your choral background and the choir manager will get back to you.
For further information on the Society:
John Moseley,Chairman, Cathedral Concerts Society,Metropolitan Cathedral Liverpool Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5TQ Telephone: 0151 281 1999